Welcome to Autocheck
Autocheck invites you to be part of a new and exciting phase of road safety in Mauritius, and to participate in the government’s plan to ensure that lives are saved on our roads through safer vehicles.
On this website, you will find all the information you need to make a booking and find out all the requirements for a vehicle examination.
Currently, the examination of vehicles is a visual process, where no equipment is used and the failure rate is not reflective of the condition of vehicles. The government has embarked on a course where proper vehicle examination will be done, using appropriate and approved equipment with competent and trained personnel. The consequences of this to owners of vehicles is that a visit to the examination centres may result in a vehicle failing the test, and the owner taking responsibility for the repairs to maintain the vehicle in a safe condition, and returning for a re-examination. To ensure minimum inconvenience, it is recommended that vehicles are prepared for a vehicle examination. To check what the vehicle examiner will review, see the Vehicle Examination Report. (attach link)

The United Nations has launched a ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’ with the aim of stabilising and then reducing global road deaths by 2020. Major economies of the G20, leading developing countries and public institutions like the World Bank and the World Health Organization have all endorsed the Decade of Action.
The UN urges Member States to support efforts to establish a decade of action for road safety as follows:
Through the Decade, Member States, with the support of the international community, commit to actions in areas such as developing and enforcing legislation on key risk factors: limiting speed, reducing drink-driving, and increasing the use of seatbelts, child restraints and motorcycle helmets. Efforts will also be undertaken to improve emergency trauma care, upgrade road and vehicle safety standards, promote road safety education and enhance road safety management generally.
In Mauritius we shall work together to add to the synergistic efforts of the international community to meet ambitious goals in accident reduction and prevention.
Visit www.decadeofaction.org